Few Tips While Choosing a Fleet Insurance

November 11, 2009 at 5:05 pm | Posted in Insurance | Leave a comment
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If you own several cars that assist you in your business, then you should get your cars insured with the fleet insurance policy. It is cheaper to opt for a fleet insurance policy rather than insure every individual vehicle. Before you pick on a certain insurance company, you will first have to check with several insurance companies to get the best insurance quote. Only after you list down the ones that suit your requirement should you go ahead and insure your fleet of vehicles.

Here are a few tips that will help you get a much better quote when applying for a fleet insurance policy.

Alarms in the vehicle: Most vehicles come fitted with an alarm, this is to protect it from theft or any kind of nuisance that the vehicle could be open to. When applying for the insurance, make sure that you mention about the vehicle alarm or if there is any immobilizer fitted in the vehicles. Once you declare these to the insurance companies they will readily reduce the premium amount on the insurance policy.

Garage: If you own a huge yard or a garage that accommodates your fleet of vehicles, to ensure that it is protected in the night, then you need to mention it in your insurance application. This again will help reduce the premium amount you will have to pay to the insurance company for the fleet insurance policy. Insurance companies are willing to reduce the premium, because of your efforts to protect it from possible damage or theft.

Drivers: All of the drivers employed by you should have the necessary valid license to drive a particular car size, as stated by the law. Also the drivers employed should not be under a certain age or over a certain age criteria. You will need to check with the insurance company for further details on this. This is because insurance companies bracket old and very drivers as high risk. Once you meet these criteria, the insurance company will help you save money on the premium that applies to you.

Vehicle Size: Try and keep the size of your fleet of vehicles small and reasonable enough for your business. This is because smaller vehicles have a smaller engine which attracts reduced costs. This will again help you reduce your fleet insurance premium. You can use the extra money in either upkeep of the vehicle or adding in other comforts.

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